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Who are these courses for?

Our Nordic Walking for Fitness courses are for people who are moderately to very active and don't have any major health or mobility problems. Our Nordic Walking for Fitness courses are not strenuous – if you are fit enough to walk around a shopping centre for 30 minutes, you are fit enough for our Nordic Walking for Fitness courses.

The icons below will tell you at a glance who the lessons are for.

Private Lesson 1-1 Private lesson
Couples Icon For Couples/Mates
Group Icon For groups of 3-6 people
For fitness icon Nordic Walking for Fitness, Health, Well-being!
Our Nordic Walking courses are held in a variety of locations around Canberra including: Dickson, Mawson, Kambah/Tuggeranong and Harrison/Throsby.
If you'd like to know more about our courses, you can check out THIS VIDEO from Founder, Kristen Pratt.