Christina and Jake started to learn how to Nordic Walk in March 2015.
Christina is 52 and had many health challenges. She had come to Nordic Walking in the hope that it would enable her to remain active and get strong and fit as she dealt with a raft of serious health challenges. Christina was overweight, recovering from breast cancer treatment including surgery, had both knees replaced, hip bursitis and a shoulder rotator cuff injury. She was in a lot of pain and walking was difficult, stairs almost impossible.
Christina had encouraged 25 year-old Jake to join her for the lessons as Jake was trying to lose a bit of weight and get back to his football days level of fitness – and he already enjoyed walking.
Jake has Asperger’s Syndrome – and whilst that means he clearly has above average intelligence, he struggles with a few things like some social interaction and communication, some motor skills and changes in routines. Jake’s also not so keen on big team activities – so Nordic Walking suited him well.
Jake worked so hard during our lessons it was often hard for Christina and I to keep up with him! And he’d usually end the lesson hot and sweaty and having covered a lot of ground. It was clear that he was putting his new skills into practice in between lessons as he picked up the technique quickly and in no time was looking like a natural. By the following June, Jake had already lost 7kgs! Go Jake!