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Karen Asp: Nordic Walking Is My Favorite Form of Cardio - Here’s Why You Should Try It

August 26, 2021

Karen Asp: Nordic Walking Is My Favorite Form of Cardio - Here’s Why You Should Try It

Karen Asp is a thought-leader in health and fitness from Indiana and holds six world records in Nordic walking! She says, "I’d pick walking with poles over running any day."

In 2007, she won the women’s division of the Marathon Distance Nordic Walking World Championship in Portland, Oregon. "By the way, I came in second overall, only four minutes behind the men’s winner, an Olympic racewalker who competed in the 2008 Olympics. How cool is that?"

Once you get the hang of it, you can cruise along and even achieve a similar intensity as running but with less perceived exertion. In other words, even though a heart rate monitor will tell you that you’re working hard, it doesn’t always feel like it. The reason? Instead of using only two limbs, you’re distributing the workload between four limbs, which explains why we Nordic Walkers don’t feel as beat up after doing an intense workout (or even a half or full marathon) as we would if we were running.

Read Karen's full article about the benefits of Nordic Walking here